Intelligence As A Service
Connecting the dots for you

Our Analysis
Your edge

ISI’s Intelligence as a Service line of products provides effective intelligence insights, generated by highly capable veteran intelligence researchers and geospatial analysts. Our team leverage vast interdisciplinary operational experience, class-leading reconnaissance satellites and cutting-edge AI / machine learning applications in order to provide the clearest answers for your questions.

for Your Needs

In an ever-evolving world of new and changing intelligence needs, our dedicated, multidisciplinary intelligence team will harness years of accumulated operational experience to provide an optimally-designed service.  All to provide you with in-depth intelligence insights at the most cost-effective working point.

Effective Intelligence
for Your Business

Over the past two decades ISI has successfully utilized its research methodologies and analytical applications time and time again for commercial uses.   We have served the various needs of commercial partners – ranging from the oil & gas industries, commodity trading firms, investment banking, insurance companies, and agriculture.

Try Us

ISI invites you to become part of the success story of our Intelligence as a Service line of products.

Let our professional team deal with your intelligence challenges and come up with the most effective solution for your needs.